Located in Shanhua District, our learning center aims to familiarize children from the STSP community with the use of English in real-world situations, using American textbooks. 南科;善化;雙語正音;兒童英語;美國教材
負責人曾於美國大學排名 Top 50 名校攻讀社會科學領域博士學位,並參與外交工作,具有豐富的英語檢定測驗、學術英文、商務英語等輔導及編譯經驗。
Having been a Ph.D. student at one of the top 50 universities in the United States and a member of a diplomatic delegation, our director has had extensive experience with the use of North American English for academic as well as commercial purposes.
負責人曾於美國大學排名 Top 50 名校攻讀社會科學領域博士學位,並參與外交工作,具有豐富的英語檢定測驗、學術英文、商務英語等輔導及編譯經驗。
Having been a Ph.D. student at one of the top 50 universities in the United States and a member of a diplomatic delegation, our director has had extensive experience with the use of North American English for academic as well as commercial purposes.
We are here to help our children learn about the world through the widely-spoken global language. 南科;善化;英語檢定測驗;學術英文;商務英語;雙語正音;兒童英語;美國教材
We don't teach English for the sake of teaching it (as a stand-alone subject). We set out to equip young learners with fluency in the global language so that they will be able to overcome language barriers in the real world.
If you aspire to go and study or work in an English-speaking country, perhaps it's better that you work to complete the application process on your own. We stand ready to assist you -- not doing it for you -- along the way.
A. I. 幫你交差;真人助你成交--投期刊、闖商場,能交給 ChatGPT 嗎?我們這有可靠的真人編(通)譯。
While you may resort to a chatbot or a virtual assistant to help with translation tasks, it always takes a real person to help you close a deal with spot-on interpretation.
... to visit our learning center during... 南科;善化
今日營業 | 上午09:30 – 下午09:30 |
國定假日恕不接受預約參觀|... except on national holidays.
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